Rozália Szeleczki
Tragicomic story of a middle-aged cleaning lady, who feels so much treated as a dog, that eventually she turns into one.
A talkative but lonely middle-aged cleaning lady, the Dogwoman, spends her days treated like a dog. Despised by her only daughter, she lives alone in a tiny house far from the city and spends all her time serving a celebrity.
One day as she takes her employer’s puppy to the dog grooming salon, she asks for a haircut too. Even if impossible, this leads her to voice her innermost idea about herself: she is actually a dog. Although the human world rejects her, a dog confirms that she is right. Could she eventually turn into a dog, and be free?
Dogwoman is a mixture of comedy and drama, with dark humor and an eerie atmosphere. It is a film that makes you laugh, while you have the uncomfortable feeling that you should be crying instead.
It is important for me to make this film, because I know the feeling very well, when I am simply too tired to be a human. When I wish that I did not have consciousness, that I did not have to solve problems or even think at all. I believe that this is a universal feeling that a lot of people can relate to.
Dogwoman does not show a Kafkaesque transformation through visible signs. It is about inner transformation. With all visible evidence to the contrary, the protagonist still feels that she is someone else, other than what she looks like. It is something that her environment turned her into.
The viewer experiences the world as Dogwoman perceives it, and that perception is very similar to a dog’s. Her eyesight is bad, whereas her hearing and sense of smell is excellent. My intention is that by strongly involving the audience this way, the film will provide a very emotional experience.
This film addresses the question of whether you are free as a human, or are you more free as an animal?
Rozália Szeleczki
Rozália Szeleczki is a Hungarian writer-director. As a Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam and University of Theatre and Film Arts, Budapest graduate she studied film direction and audiovisual art. She is a Sarajevo Talents alumna and director of three award-winning shorts. Her first feature is in development, funded by Hungarian Film Institute.
Petra Iványi
Petra Iványi is an emerging Hungarian producer. Having made dozens of student shorts, she started to produce first features. She has line-produced European series, films, local and international branded content. Working in a wide range of productions gives her confidence both working with low and high budgets, applied visual arts and art house cinema.

Drama, Comedy
12-15 min
Production company
Filmteam (Hungary)
Estimated budget
Looking for
Coproducers, Sales, Distribution